Annunciation students will be faith-filled, active Catholics who
Value that prayer is an integral part of their lives
Participate in the sacraments and liturgical experiences
Are knowledgeable and active in the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church
Use their God-given talents to build meaningful relationships within our school community
Annunciation students will be engaged learners who demonstrate proficiency in:
Critical Thinking
Annunciation students will be self-aware, well-rounded people who demonstrate:
Strong Work Ethic
Religion Curriculum
The school has developed a program of religious education that begins with the JrK students. As students continue, they are prepared in third grade for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Classroom curriculum supports this preparation but the formal processes are Parish directed activities. Proceeding into middle school, the program begins to deal with forming Catholic values and focusing on the challenges adolescents must confront. Students attend Mass weekly during the school year and actively participate in planning and conducting these liturgies. Not only does this religious education program impart knowledge about the Catholic Church and its teachings to the students, but it also supports the parents in instilling and developing the values, spirituality, and faith of their children. Students participate in the various ministries of the Church by serving at Masses and participating in the music and liturgy planning. Students are actively engaged by participating in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with their class on the First Friday of each month.
Pastor Involvement
Annunciation's pastor, Monsignor Voorhies, and the associate pastors are involved in all aspects of the school. They can be found celebrating Mass, visiting classrooms, watching a middle school sporting event, consulting with teachers or performing at the annual talent show.
Student Body Mass
Students attend weekly Mass and are actively engaged in the preparation of their class's Mass.
Sacramental Preparation
Students in 3rd grade are prepared during the school day for both First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Some additional workshops are also required for both parents and students.
St. Gabriel Committees
All parents are welcome to participate at any time during the school year. These ministries foster spiritual growth and unity in our school community.
Prayer Request Line/Prayer Boxes: Believing in the power of prayer, our community gathers to pray for everyone’s needs. Specific prayer entry forms can be placed in the box located in the main hallway and those who participate in this committee will offer prayer for all requests.
Meal Preparation for Families in Need: A special ministry providing some relief to those who are ill, whose children are ill, or have lost a loved one. Our community cares for those enduring a difficult time by providing food comforts to those families.
Parent/Teacher Prayer Partners: A private prayer opportunity where parents pray daily for their child’s teacher/staff member and our teaching family reciprocates.
Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament: Parents who offer to come before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour on the first Friday of each month to offer prayers for our school and children.
Weekly Rosaries: A weekly gathering of parents who pray the rosary for the spiritual guidance of our students, parents, teachers and staff and of course any personal intentions.
Parent Education Committee: Organizes and provides parent education seminars throughout the year on topics that focus on the needs and realitites of current day parental issues.
Community Building Events Committee: Provides and plans events for the entire school community to foster unity, create memories, and enjoy good old fashioned quality family time.