As counselors, we have the privilege to work with every single student in the school. We plan on working with students at the classroom level, small group level, as well as at the short-term individual counseling level. I will also be meeting with parents, collaborating with teachers and staff, to meet the needs of all ACS students.
CLASSROOM GUIDANCE LESSONS: These lessons will be presented in the classroom for students in grades JK-8. Lessons will teach developmentally appropriate, preventative lessons to all children.
GROUP COUNSELING: Group counseling is provided for small groups of students
experiencing similar concerns. These may include making and keeping friends, anger management, coping with separation/divorce and or loss, getting organized/study skills and/or improving self-esteem. The groups generally range from 4 to 6 students and last as long as deemed necessary. The students for these groups can be recommended by parents/guardians or by staff members.
INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING: Short term one-on-one counseling support is available to all students in grades JK to 8. Students may self-refer or be referred to the counselors by teachers/staff and/or parents. Confidentiality is respected.
CONSULTATIONS: I am available to have meetings with teachers, administrators and/or parents to discuss the needs of individual students. I am here for all students and want to ensure that your child has a productive and positive school year. If we can support your child in anyway, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Any student can request to meet with either of us or they can be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent. We encourage you to reach out if you have concerns regarding your child.
Please note that all information discussed remians confidential between your child and me, unless they are planning on hurting themselves, hurting someone else or someone is hurting them.