The ACS 6th grade class is starting their annual service project. The 6th grade class is raising money for the school they adopted last year. The goal for the week is $5,000. The money that is raised help maintain the following:
- School Pantries – This option provides an in-school food pantry and would allow the school to select the food.
- Mobile Pantries – This option gives families monthly access to food through a traveling food pantry held at the school’s location. Each family receives about 50 pounds of food, or about 40 meals.
- Backpacks – This option supplements the school or mobile pantries in cases where a parent/guardian is unable to pick up food or the family has no means of cooking.
This weeks activities include:
“Orange Spoontember” Grams - The 6th grade class will be selling “Orange Spoontember” Grams on Monday and Tuesday September 14th & 15th. The “Orange Spoontember” Grams will be a candy-gram the student body can buy and 6th grade will deliver on “Wear Orange Day”. The “Orange Spoontember” Gram will include a personal note from sender, orange spoon, prayer to end hunger and candy. These will be sold for $0.50/each.